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AG Netzbasierte Informationssysteme
FU Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 24-26
14195 Berlin

Tel.: +49-30-838-75221
Fax: +49-30-838-75220

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DigiPolis project publication accepted at SSWS2010 workshop

The DigiPolis project at AG NBI is developing a Self-organized Semantic Storage Service („S4“). A research paper written by NBI staff members Hannes Mühleisen, Tilman Walther, Anne Augustin and Marko Harasic under the supervision of Prof. Robert Tolksdorf describing the impact of various configuration parameters on this system was just accepted for the The 6th International Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems (SSWS2010) at the 9th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2010), Shanghai, China.
The publication is entitled „Configuring a Self-Organized Semantic Storage Service“, here the abstract:

Scalability requirements for semantic stores lead to distributed hardware-independent solutions to handle and analyze massive amounts of semantic data. We use a different approach by imitating the behaviour of swarm individuals to achieve this scalability. We have implemented our concept of a Self-organized Semantic Storage Service (S4) and present preliminary evaluation results in order to investigate to what extent the performance of a distributed and swarm-based storage system is dependent on its configuration.

AG Netzbasierte Informationssysteme,
Königin-Luise-Straße 24-26, 14195 Berlin, Tel.: +49-30-838-75221, Fax: +49-30-838-75220