On 31.3.16 the research group on Networked Information Systems was dissolved. I have decided to leave my position at FU Berlin on that date, based on personal considerations. I look back to 13.5 years of successful research and teaching on a variety of topics with an excellent team. I thank all our collaborators from the various projects. It has been an honor to serve science and academia in various roles. I also thank all computer science students that attended my courses. Hopefully you learned something – it has been a pleasure to interact with young people and to try to enable them to learn.
For my personal best, time has come to look to other facets of knowledge and pleasure. When suited, I will remain in intellectual discourses on topics of arts, society, or other views on life.
Studierende wenden sich bitte an Prof. Claudia Müller-Birn in Angelegenheiten, mit denen Sie ansonsten zu Prof. Tolksdorf gegangen wären.
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