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AG Netzbasierte Informationssysteme
FU Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 24-26
14195 Berlin

Tel.: +49-30-838-75221
Fax: +49-30-838-75220

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Paper accepted at SAKS 2011

The paper „Towards Swarm-based Federated Web Knowledgebases“ by Philipp Obermeier, Anne Augustin and Robert Tolksdorf has been accepted at the Workshop on Self-Organising, Adaptive, Context-Sensitive Distributed Systems (SAKS). Its abstract is

Nowadays internet knowledgebases are more and more described using ontological vocabularies. However, efficient coherent solutions for both federated storage and reasoning upon widely distributed web repositories are rarely explored.
To this end we present a self-organized, distributed storage and reasoning approach based on swarm intelligence exploiting the strong applicability of swarm algorithms to distributed environments. Our concept comprises two layers of swarm algorithms – storage and reasoning layer – for information storage and inference of new statements, respectively. We present for the former our concepts with first evaluation results and give for the latter a general swarm-based concept for forward-chaining assertional reasoning in the description logic ALC.

AG Netzbasierte Informationssysteme,
Königin-Luise-Straße 24-26, 14195 Berlin, Tel.: +49-30-838-75221, Fax: +49-30-838-75220