AG Netzbasierte Informationssysteme / Networkbased InformationsystemsInstitut für Informatik, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Freie Universität Berlin |
Implementations of the OWL Semantics |
Version: 2005-01-10 Update: 2005-02-09
if you are intersted in SWRL2Jess, then the following output should be appended to the above step 3 :
Note: The purpose is to express OWL Semantics by entailment rules, either within a concrete one like Jess or within a general one like FOL RuleML. Since RDF triples are encoded as Statement(predicate, subject, object), with Statement as the only relation, all of the individual IDs, class IDs and property IDs are encoded to constant symbols serving as corresponding arguments in a Statement/3. It is easy to include SWRL rules in OWLTrans: variable IDs are exactly the variable symbols, while classPredicate(resp. propertyPredicate) is encoded to the symbol of the class ID(resp. the property ID), whose semantics are defined as above. The resulting rule-base is a general one, including user-defined rules transformed from SWRL rules, system-defined rules used for OWL entailments and lots of facts dealing with all resources. Caution or error messages are thrown out if the resuling rule-base does not satisfy the intended OWL models. Honestly, it is a rectifier instead of a reasoner for OWL Semantics :-( while it is our long-term goal to support OWL reasoning completely. Contact: Please contact Jing Mei : mei@inf.fu-berlin.de or mayyam@is.pku.edu.cn |